Are you studying social work at university?

You could be eligible for a $500 student bursary!

College bursaries will be awarded to several NSCSW members who are attending accredited social work programs in the fall of 2024.

Bursaries are awarded based on your commitment to professional social work practice.

We value diversity and strive to create opportunities for Nova Scotians with intersectional identities who have historically faced barriers. It is not mandatory for applicants to disclose whether or not they belong to any equity-seeking groups. However, preference for bursary awards may be given to applicants who identify as holding an identity that has historically faced barriers to accessing educational opportunities.

To apply, please complete the application form linked below, and attach confirmation of enrolment from your university.

The deadline for applications is October 31, 2024. Bursary decisions will be announced in late fall.

Frequently asked questions

Do I have to be a student member of NSCSW to apply?

You need to be an NSCSW member, and a student in an accredited social work program. The bursaries are therefore open to social work undergrads with student membership, and also open to RSW, SWC, and associate members of NSCSW who are pursuing postgraduate social work degrees. We love to support lifelong learning.

Are you a social work student in a BSW program, but not a NSCSW member yet? Check out the benefits of student membership, and sign up today!

But do I have to be a Nova Scotian? Or going to school in Nova Scotia?

Not necessarily; you can be from here, living here, working here, or going to school here.

Most of our student members are enrolled in a social work degree program at Dalhousie University, Cape Breton University, or Université Sainte-Anne. But some went to high school in Nova Scotia and have moved to attend a university outside the province. And we definitely have members who are registered and practicing in Nova Scotia while completing an MSW or doctorate program via remote learning.

You do still need to be a member though. Did we mention how useful and affordable our student membership is for undergrads?

How do I know if my social work program is accredited?

Accreditation means that a separate organization has confirmed that the university’s program meets or exceeds accepted educational standards. The National Indigenous Accreditation Board and the Canadian Association for Social Work Education accredit bachelors and masters level social work degrees at Canadian universities. The Council for Social Work Education is the equivalent organization in the United States. Student members studying farther abroad should confirm that their school meets the accreditation standards in that region. Social service diplomas offered by community colleges or private career colleges are not considered equivalent to an accredited social work degree. If you’re still not sure, ask!

Can I use my acceptance letter as proof of enrolment?

Not quite. You need to show that you’re actually enrolled in the Fall 2024 semester.

A confirmation of enrolment letter or certificate from your university is ideal; these documents have exactly the details we need, without disclosing other private information. Most schools (including Dalhousie) allow you to download one via an online student account, with no additional fees. However, some schools may still only offer these documents at the registrar’s office; we know wait times at the registrar can be daunting in September, so your class schedule and tuition receipt are an acceptable substitute if needed.

How will I find out if my application was successful?

Bursary recipients are selected by NSCSW Council in late November. We’ll reach out directly to the successful recipients with the good news by the end of that month, so make sure your contact information in the application form is complete and correct.

Names of the award recipients will then be included in our member newsletter in December, and we’ll publish a student spotlight about them in Connection magazine. You can read about the bursary winners from 2021 and 2022!