Looking for employment in the social work field? Have an opening for a social worker at your organization? We host employment listings here on our website. 

All listing submissions are subject to review and approval by NSCSW staff. Jobs must be appropriate for NSCSW members, i.e. social workers or social work students. 

In line with the professional values of the social work field, we require all listings to include a wage or salary range. Pay disclosure supports diversity, equity and inclusion in our social work community.

If there is a problem with your listing, we may contact you to correct it before publication; if the issue cannot be corrected we will refund your payment. Rates are as follows:

  • NSCSW policy partner: no charge
  • Member fee: $20 per week
  • Not-for-profit: $25 per week
  • Government: $100 per week
  • Business: $75 per week

Employment listings may be included in our bi-weekly member newsletter as well at no additional charge. To be eligible for inclusion in the newsletter, listings must be open for applications for at least one day after the newsletter will be sent, and must be received before Tuesday that week (newsletters are sent every other Thursday; see schedule on newsletter page).

If you have any questions about our job board, please contact [email protected]