Bring a professional development opportunity to your community.

Social workers with active membership in NSCSW are required to maintain at least 40 hours of professional development (PD) each year. The College encourages social workers to seek and create PD opportunities in their community that contribute to the field of social work and the quality of life for Nova Scotians.
Empowerment, accessibility, sustainability and self-reliance are important concepts within a social worker’s practice that are equally useful when planning your PD.
Funding is available from NSCSW to help support your community PD events. The College can also help support you with event promotion and outreach.
How-to guide for social work professional development
- Identify a community need for PD opportunities.
- Determine if the opportunity exists in your community or other communities to help you develop future events and opportunities.
- Secure appropriate facilitators for your event. If you do not plan to host, find someone who is familiar with event hosting or skilled in the event’s theme.
- Determine event details:
- associated costs (webinar fees, guest speakers/presenters, food and refreshments, honorariums, etc.) availability of facilitator or guest speakers,
- any additional requirements or equipment (reliable internet connection, projector, laptop, speakers, PA system, meeting space, etc.).
- the most current information regarding COVID-19 public health protocols for social gatherings; this guidance is updated periodically as conditions in each region change
- Secure an appropriate venue and information on cost, availability, equipment available, accessibility, environmental factors, etc. For online events, contact Tyler Colbourne to discuss details and determine the level of support needed.
- Assess any additional requirements & the associated costs including volunteers, catering etc.
- To request College funding, submit the application form below and include an event agenda.
- Confirm all the essentials (location, facilitators, caterers, volunteers, etc.).
- Contact the College to promote your event on the NSCSW event calendar.
- Promote the event though social media, email invites and by spreading the word within your social work community.
- Note successes and challenges during the event.
- What were the event strengths or weaknesses?
- Ask attendees for their feedback!
- Evaluate the overall success of your event, and let your College know what worked and what didn’t.
Questions? Contact Tyler Colbourne at [email protected] or (902)429-7799 x 223.
Professional Development Event Funding Request
Put your PD event into action. Complete and submit this form to request College funding.
Proposals will be reviewed within two weeks of receipt. Events intended for during National Social Work Month (March) must be submitted no later than February 10.