2024-2025 NSCSW Council 

The College is governed by our elected Council, Executive, and Standing Committees.
Council is the College’s main governing body. College Councillors are elected by the members and take office after the Annual General Meeting.

Executive Officers:

President – Robert Wright (email: [email protected])
Vice-President- Michelle Ward
Treasurer – Kate Matheson
Secretary – Crystal Hill
Past President — Lynn Brogan

Board of Examiners:

Jack Landreville (Chair)

Regional Representatives:

Northern – April Munro-Wood
Northern – Vacant
Eastern – Catherine Kehoe
Eastern – Claire Sampson-MacDonald
Central – Eva Burrill
Central – Vacant
Western – Iain Ford
Western – Vacant

Other Representatives:

CASW Board Member – Debbie Reimer
Dalhousie University School of Social Work Faculty – Judy MacDonald
Dalhousie University School of Social Work Student – Vacant
Universite Sainte Anne Faculty – Veronique Brideau-Cormier
Universite Sainte Anne Student – vacant
Nova Scotia Association of Black Social Workers – SaDeia Williams
Indigenous Member – vacant
