Workshop: Understanding clinical supervision

Workshop: Understanding the clinical specialization

Lunch & learn: Disability, poverty & MAiD

Communities of practice

Be part of the College’s Board of Examiners

group seated at boardroom table

The College’s Council is looking for a member to appoint to the Board of Examiners. The Board of Examiners (BOE) oversees the application of regulatory policy, approves social work applicants, and makes all decision regarding the complaints and discipline matters brought before the College. This work is vital to the College’s mandate to protect the public.

We’re looking for members who:

  • are an active Registered Social Worker;
  • are in good standing with the College;
  • have a firm grasp of the social work values, Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice; and
  • are seeking a social work leadership role.

There is a particular need for members from equity-seeking groups.

Competencies required

  1. Regulatory Knowledge: Understanding of regulatory governance models, laws, and standards applicable to the profession.
  2. Judgment & Decision Making: Ability to analyze complex issues, weigh evidence, make fair and impartial decisions.
  3. Ethics & Integrity: Commitment to uphold high ethical standards and act with integrity.
  4. Communication Skills: Ability to articulate views clearly, listen actively, and engage in constructive dialogue.
  5. Leadership & Teamwork: Experience in leadership roles and ability to work effectively as part of a team.

Commitments & benefits

The BOE meets eleven times a year. These meetings are typically the third Thursday of each month, for two hours in the evening. Board members are reimbursed for travel expenses, and meeting hours are eligible to be included in their annual inventory of professional development activities as volunteer service. There will be a month off every summer (in 2024 there is no August meeting).

BOE members have the option to serve on the complaints or discipline committees when seats become available. The complaints committee generally convenes on the third Saturday of the month, usually for five hours. The discipline subcommittee convenes as needed; hearings can last several days if contested. Members of these committees receive a stipend to acknowledge the dedication and significant time commitment required for this important contribution.


Interested? Please send your letter of intent and current CV to the College’s Registrar/Executive Director Alec Stratford [email protected] by September 6, 2024.

Big Ideas in Mental Health: Neurodiversity & trauma

NSCSW PRIDE Lunch & Learn: Healing from Conversion “Therapy”

Award Nominations Open: Recognize Outstanding Members of our Community

Many members of our professional community have demonstrated considerable dedication, innovation and generosity during the last year.

Here’s one way for you to recognize your colleagues for their service. We’re seeking nominations for the following awards, which will be presented at our autumn appreciation gala:

  • Ron Stratford Memorial Award
    • community leaders who are not social workers may be nominated for this award
  • Social Justice Ally Award
    • community leaders who are not social workers may be nominated for this award
  • Diane Kays Memorial Award
  • David Connor Williams Memorial Award
  • Ken Belanger Award
    • this award is offered biennially in even-numbered years, alternating with the Freda Vickery Award in odd years

» Read the award criteria

Questions? Contact Naj Siritsky at [email protected].

To submit your nomination for one of NSCSW’s awards, please complete the form below, no later than 4:30 p.m. on September 7, 2024.

Lunch & learn: Child well-being assessment

Lunch & learn: Disability & gender-based violence
