We introduced the new direction for Candidacy at the 2017 fall conference. Since then, the College has continued to consult with members and work with the Candidacy Committee to develop the new Candidacy Mentorship Framework. At our Annual General Meeting on May 12th, the membership voted to adopt the new framework and launch the new Candidacy Mentorship Program.
The new framework will come to life by October, 1st with the launch of a candidacy mentorship website, which will be designed to support candidates and mentors through the Candidacy Mentorship Program.
Here’s what you need to know about the Candidacy Mentorship Program
The committee set broad objectives with resource support for Candidates to set more specific objective options.
The overall learning objectives for the program are that Candidates will:
- Demonstrate the understanding and application of each of the NSCSW Standards of Practice 2017 and the Canadian Association of Social Workers Code of Ethics as amended for the NSCSW, 2008;
- Integrate the content and spirit of both documents into their day to day social work.
The purpose of the Candidacy Mentorship Program is to support candidates as they:
- develop a professional identity;
- grapple with ethical issues;
- explore professional concerns related to their practice experience;
- integrate theory and practice;
- develop self-awareness;
- refine a unique practice framework.
As the program will be rooted in mentorship, the candidacy supervisor is now referred to as the candidacy mentor.
The requirements for completing Candidacy have changed:
- 2500 hours of social work practice experience (500 hours can be tracked from a volunteer role);
- candidates must normally complete the 2500 hours within a 5-year period ;
- candidates must start the Candidacy process within 6 months after registering with the College;
- candidates working full-time hours are expected to meet with their mentor for two hours per month;
- 3 reports are required – a learning agreement, a midterm report, and a final report.
Candidates will receive clear support and structure:
- There will be a Candidacy website with activities, resources and learning objective examples;
- all Candidacy reports will be digital and attached to the candidate’s member profile with the College;
- Constructive feedback on the learning agreement and reports will be provided;
- The program will have a monitoring and evaluation structure.
Learn more about the Candidacy Mentorship Program here
Transitioning to the new Candidacy Mentorship Program
- All Social Worker Candidates who began Candidacy before September 1st, 2018, may complete the Candidacy program under the old program requirements.
- Social Worker Candidates approved for Candidacy between March 1st and August 31st of 2018 may upon application to the Executive Director/ Registrar change their requirements to meet the new program.
- Social Worker Candidates seeking approval for transition must submit a learning agreement for approval under the new framework.
- If approved all practice and mentoring hours accumulated under the old framework will be counted towards the new requirements.
- Social Worker Candidates approved for Candidacy before March 1st, 2018 may upon a written application to the Executive Director/Registrar change their requirements to meet the new Regulations.
- Social Worker Candidates seeking approval for transition must submit a report to the Executive Director/Registrar demonstrating how their previous Candidacy and Mentorship experience aligns with the new program requirements.
- If approved all practice and mentoring hours accumulated under the old framework will be counted towards completion under the new framework.
- Where the Executive Director/Registrar denies approval for transition into the new program, the Social Worker Candidate may appeal to the Board of Examiners within thirty days of date of notification of the denial for a review of the decision, by providing to the Board of Examiners a notice in writing indicating the grounds for the appeal.