Apr 16, 2024 — Join us in preparing for our annual conference this May. We have two free pre-conference events planned for the coming weeks.
Apr 16, 2024 — Join us in preparing for our annual conference this May. We have two free pre-conference events planned for the coming weeks.
May 24-25, 2024 — Our annual conference is a decentralized hybrid event, foregrounding first voices and challenging social workers to explore how their positionality interacts with their practice.
Invitation to interested storytellers for Celebrating Courage (May 24-25, 2023) are open until on February 15, 2024.
May 9, 2023 — Naj reflects on the processes of learning and unlearning, and the radical potential of allyship to change systems for the better.
Apr 27, 2023 — Becoming an ally is challenging, but it is a vital skill for ethical social work practice and conscientious living in a world that remains plagued by systemic violence. Join our virtual conference on May 11-12 to explore the ethics of allyship,
May 12-13 2023 — Workshops and small group discussions will offer opportunities for participants to collaboratively deconstruct and critically investigate the concept of allyship, and to reflect on how the themes of the conference resonate with their personal and professional context.
The goal of this virtual conference is to situate these conversations in a larger reflection about social work’s role in building true social justice.
Conference submissions for The Ethics of Allyship (May 12-13, 2023) are due on February 6, 2023.
May 9, 2022 — Our conference is coming up later this week (May 13-14) and we can’t wait to gather our community in learning, reflection and dialogue. We hope you can make it.
May 13-14, 2022 — In a world where everything has changed, and is changing, our professional mandate to work toward social justice is more relevant than ever, and invites us to consider our unique role as social workers in leading necessary and long-awaited transformation. Our annual 2-day conference in May virtually gathers Nova Scotia’s social work community to explore new perspectives and skills to deliver crucial services in a changed landscape.
April 29, 2022 — Mini-conference on compassionate relational care in health and social sectors through animal-assisted intervention (AAI)
CONNECTION is the official newsletter of the Nova Scotia College of Social Workers.