Help us advocate to protect and promote the rights of Nova Scotia children and youth

Nova Scotia’s vulnerable children and youth continue to fall through the cracks in our province. They need their voices heard.

We’re calling for the creation of a Child and Youth Advocate office to protect and promote the rights of Nova Scotia children and youth.

Why advocate for a Child and Youth Advocate office?

  • A Child and Youth Advocate office will ensure that children and youth rights are respected and valued.
  • A Child and Youth Advocate office will create a strong child and youth voice and contribute immense value to Nova Scotia’s political decision making.
  • Nova Scotia is one of the only provinces without a Child and Youth Advocate office.
  • A Child and Youth Advocate office will advocate for holistic and coordinated services for children and youth.
  • A Child and Youth Advocate office will improve timely, accessible and adequate service provision for at risk children and youth and their families.

Nova Scotians can join us in advocating for a Child and Youth Advocate office. Here’s how:

  • Visit & share our campaign website
  • Join the conversation on Twitter and Facebook by using the hashtag #childyouthadvocatens
  • Write a letter to Premier Stephen McNeil advocating for a Child and Youth Advocate office at: Office of the Premier, O. Box 726, Halifax, NS B3J 2T3

