The Nova Scotia College of Social Workers is partnering with the Healthy Populations Institute at Dalhousie, IWK Mental Health and Addictions, and Halifax Public Libraries for an event on National Child Day. The youth-focused event will highlight some of the key issues identified through the One Chance to Be a Child report, from the perspective of youth.
This year’s theme is Inclusion for Every Child.
Date: November 20, 2023
Time: 10 a.m. to 12 noon
Location: Paul O’Regan Hall @ Halifax Central Library or online via Zoom (please contact [email protected] by November 17 to either RSVP for the in-person event or request the Zoom link)
National Child Day celebrates and promotes the human rights of children and youth. Federal resources for this annual day of recognition, including posters and activity guides for parents and educators, are available in English and French.