Town & County Library – Community Room
283 Main Street
Antigonish, NS
Friday, 3 May 2019 from 1:00 PM to 6:00 PM (ADT)
Ethics 101 is available to all social workers who have not attended this event before. This experiential learning opportunity will:
- Identify the roots of professional social work identity;
- locate the ideologies that inform the values of our profession;
- examine the tension between our professions values and the dominant ideology;
- examine the intersection of oppression and privilege as the foundation of relational ethics;
- support the development of a self-reflective process that utilizes an Ethical Decision-Making Tool to support ethical decision making.
This event is $15 to attend (fee includes light lunch). To register, please visit: eventbrite.ca/e/ethics-101-antigonish-tickets-59164483563