Helen Creighton Room -Halifax Public Libraries – | 60 Alderney Drive | Dartmouth, NS B2Y 4P8 | Canada
Monday, 11 March 2019 from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM (ADT)
Ethics 101 is available to all social workers who have not attended this exciting event before. This experiential learning opportunity will
- Identify the roots of professional social work identity;
- locate the ideologies that inform the values of our profession;
- examine the tension between our professions values and the dominant ideology;
- examine the intersection of oppression and privilege as the foundation of relational ethics;
- upport the development if a self-reflective process that utilizes an Ethical Decision-Making Tool to support ethical decision making.
To register for this event please visit: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/ethics-101-halifax-tickets-55234133781
I see Ethics 101 is sold out. Will it be offered again?
Yes, Ethics 101 is offered every year. We’ll also be offering it in Liverpool and Antigonish this spring. There’s also an Ethical Dilemma Cafe planned for December that might interest you.