Register for this exciting event here
Avalon Centre’s Sexualized Violence and Healing Centered Support training takes place over one full day, and includes four key modules:
- An Exploration of Sexualized Violence
- Trauma and the Brain
- Healing Centered Engagement and Intervention
- Vicarious Trauma and Resilience
Avalon Centre’s Sexualized Violence and Healing Centered Support training will include an element of networking and encourage active sharing of knowledge and resources between participants, with the goal of building more connected communities of service providers and streamlined supports for survivors of gender-based violence. The central goal of the training is to instill confidence in individuals and communities to support disclosures of sexualized violence. The training is grounded in current research and best practices and will provide the tools and skills to individually and collectively make a difference by supporting victims and survivors through principles of trauma-informed practice and healing-centered engagement. When participants complete the training, they will:
- Understand the dynamics of sexualized violence, including national and regional patterns, prevalence, and root causes.
- Understand the effects of trauma on the brain and body, and how this impacts disclosures and reports of sexualized violence.
- Understand the medical, legal, and therapeutic options – and referral processes – for survivors of sexualized violence.
- Understand how to support survivors of sexualized violence through principles of trauma-informed practice and healing centered engagement.
When: Thursday, March 21st, 2019 – 9:30 AM – 4:00 PM
Where: Women’s Council House, 989 Young Ave, Halifax, NS B3H 2V9
Cost: $50 (includes lunch)
Questions? Contact the College’s Professional Practice Consultant Annemieke Vink at [email protected].
I’m interested in this training, but want to confirm the date. Can you tell me, is it Thursday the 21st? Or Monday the 25th? Or another day altogether?
With gratitude,
It is the 21st.