Submit proposals by April 19, 2021
The NSCSW is calling on members to put forward resolutions and by-law changes for the 2021 Annual General Meeting. Please submit all proposals for change by April 19, 2021.
The AGM & 2021 conference will be held virtually on May 14-15 via Eventbrite and Zoom. Event details and registration info are at nscswconference.org.
By-law changes
The Social Workers Act grants us the privilege of self-regulation; it allows us to create by-laws that govern the operations of the College and the actions of its members.
You can review our current by-laws online.
By-laws change over time to reflect changing needs and priorities of the membership. Any member may propose amendments to any of the by-laws of the College, with the exception of changes to the annual membership fees or other fees set out in Schedule “A.”
Any proposed changes in the by-laws are subject to the approval of two thirds of the members who are voting on the proposed amendment.
Propose a by-law change:
By-law submissions are now closed
A resolution is a formal statement of a decision or expression of opinion put before or adopted by an assembly.
The subject matter of the resolution should:
- Fall within the scope of the College’s mandate; and
- Not be currently under considerations by Council
Drafting a resolution
A resolution is composed of:
- (Optional) Whereas Clauses
- Describes the issue; leads logically to the “Resolved” clauses.
Tip: You may prefer to provide background information and no “ Whereas” clauses.
- Describes the issue; leads logically to the “Resolved” clauses.
- Resolved Clauses
- Describes the action proposed or recommendation. There can be more than one “Resolved” clause, but they should be limited to items of significance.
- Background Information
- Include a description of the issue; a statement outlining how the resolution would change the issue; the rationale for the proposed course of action.
- Maximum one page for the background information.
- Tip: Can be used to supplement the “Whereas” clause.
Presenting a resolution
The resolution contact person (or designate) presents the resolution at the AGM. After the resolution, has been presented, it becomes the property of the College. At that point, an amendment to your resolution may be put forward. The assembly votes on whether to adopt the amendment or not.
Propose a resolution:
Resolution submissions are now closed
Questions? Contact the College’s Registrar/Executive Director, Alec Stratford at [email protected] or (902) 429-7799 x 224.