Help shape the profession’s future in our province as part of the NSCSW Council
The Nova Scotia College of Social Workers’ Council is excited to announce that we are currently accepting nominations for several core roles:
- President
- Central Regional Representative
- Halifax County and West Hants
- Western Regional Representative
- Yarmouth, Shelburne, Digby, Queens, Annapolis, Lunenburg and Kings counties
- Northern Regional Representative
- East Hants and Colchester, Cumberland and Pictou counties
The NSCSW Council plays a pivotal role in guiding the social work profession in Nova Scotia. We strive to ensure ethical and safe practices, advocate for social policies that foster social justice, and provide leadership to enhance pubic safety in the delivery of social work. By joining the Council, you will have the opportunity to make a significant impact on these critical areas.
Roles and Responsibilities of the NSCSW Council
Click here to download a description of the NSCSW President’s role.
In addition to the responsibilities stated in the by-laws, Council members have the following major roles and responsibilities:
- Understands and demonstrate a commitment to the organization’s vision, mission, values and programs,
- Has overall stewardship responsibilities for the College,
- Has charge of the affairs of the College,
- May make or change regulations under the Social Workers Act
- Proposes bylaws and amendments for voting by members,
- Regularly attends Council meetings and important related meetings,
- Commits to actively organizing events and meetings in their regions in partnership with NSCSW staff in order to effectively communicate NSCSW vision, mission and values and seeks feedback for members,
or; - Participates in a Committee of Council
- Volunteers for and willingly accepts assignments and completes them thoroughly and on time,
- Stays informed about committee matters, prepares themselves well for meetings, and reviews and comments on minutes and reports,
- Gets to know other council members and builds a collegial working relationship that contributes to consensus,
- Is an active participant in the committee’s annual evaluation and planning efforts.
Council Nomination Process
If you’re passionate about social work and want to contribute to its growth and development in Nova Scotia, this is your chance. Submit your nomination no later than Monday, April 8 at 4:30 p.m. ADT by sending a letter of intent and interest to the Nomination Committee via Alec Stratford ([email protected]). We look forward to your participation!