Tag: professional development

Lunch & Learn: Human trafficking in Nova Scotia

Jan 22, 2024 — Bring your lunch and join TESS and the Nova Scotia College of Social Workers (NSCSW) online to learn about human trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation in the Nova Scotian context. The Trafficking and Exploitation Services System (TESS) is a partnership of over 70 agencies across our province who are working together to respond to the commercial sexual exploitation of children and youth.

Lunch & learn: Ethics café (How to identify ethics concerns)

Dec 13, 2023 —Nova Scotian social workers are invited to develop their professional ethics by collaboratively exploring possible scenarios. This session will explore ways to identify ethics concerns and distinguish them from other, similar concerns we might have about professional practice, the law, or issues of structural justice and equity. Learn more about the role of ethics consultation at the NSCSW and the Nova Scotia Health Ethics Network.
