August 24, 2023 — Join us to learn about what conversionary practices and adverse religious experiences are, and how they can affect people and communities.
August 24, 2023 — Join us to learn about what conversionary practices and adverse religious experiences are, and how they can affect people and communities.
8 December 2021 — Ethical and practical implications of integrating spirituality in the social work setting. Explore tools and methods. Part three of a three part webinar series with Nadia Siritsky and CASW.
18 November 2021 — A panel discussion about challenges and opportunities regarding spirituality in social work settings. Part two of a three part webinar series with Nadia Siritsky and CASW.
14 October, 2021 — Ethical Implications of Spirituality in the Social Work Setting; a theoretical overview of the challenges and opportunities. Part one of a three part webinar series with Nadia Siritsky and CASW.
CONNECTION is the official newsletter of the Nova Scotia College of Social Workers.