Today marks one year since the brutal murder of George Floyd at the hands of Derek Chauvin.
We mourn his unjust death, and our thoughts are with his grieving family, friends and community. We take this time to pause and remember, and to honour the incredible grassroots movement for social justice that was ignited as a result of his loss, Darnella Frazier’s moral courage, and the steadfast determination of so many. This one death was tragically amongst far too many others. We give thanks that this year has brought a new intensity to the fight to ensure that Black Lives Matter, and that so many have awakened to the realization of the intersectionality and pervasiveness of racism and injustice.
As George Floyd’s brother, Philonise Floyd, said:
“I’m going to put up a fight every day, because I am not just fighting for George Floyd anymore. I am fighting for everybody around this world.”
Philonise Floyd
May these words inspire us all to join in this fight, and may George Floyd’s memory serve as a global catalyst for justice and healing.
Nadia Siritsky
NSCSW Professional Practice and Advocacy Consultant
If you are an NSCSW member interested in joining the College’s Social Justice Committee, please contact Nadia Siritsky at [email protected].