Call for submissions to our 2023 conference

We are inviting presentation proposals for our annual conference on May 12-13, 2023. Virtual sessions will be delivered live via Zoom and recorded in order to be available for members electronically following the conference.

Theme: The Ethics of Allyship

We are honoured and excited that Dr. Raven Sinclair will be the keynote speaker for our 2023 conference. Proposals are being sought that will reflect upon the following:

  • Deconstructing and critically investigating the concept of allyship
  • What is allyship? What does it look like? What doesn’t it look like?
  • New language and concepts around allyship: is it even desirable? Is it a form of control?
  • The gap between intention and experience- what we mean and how it feels to others.
  • How is social work related to allyship?
  • How is this tension reflected in our ethics code?
  • How do we build resilience for this work?

The goal of this conference is to situate this conversation in a larger reflection about social work’s role in building true social justice, as reflected in this poem:

How to submit a proposal

  • Complete all fields in the form below and click submit.
    • Proposals for conference sessions in any format are welcome (e.g. poster presentations, panels, workshops, book launches, etc.).
  • Email a high-resolution photo of the speaker(s) to [email protected].
    • Minimum size 640 x 480 pixels (1500 x 1000 pixels preferred).
    • For sessions with multiple speakers, you may submit separate pictures or a single group photo.
  • Submit your complete proposal by February 6, 2023. (If you intend to submit but aren’t certain whether you can complete a proposal in time, please contact [email protected] before the deadline to discuss)

Proposal submissions will be reviewed by the Professional Development Committee. All presenters are expected to register and attend the conference.
