Process for Review & Amendments to the Code of Ethics & Standards of Practice
A.1.1. The period for formal review of this document is at least every seven years. This document remains in effect until the review has been completed and approved according to NSCSW legislation, regulations and by-laws.
A.2.1. At least five months prior to the review date, the NSCSW Council shall solicit from its member’s recommendations for revisions to the Standards of Practice, and shall review and decide on proposed amendments:
A.2.2. Proposed amendments shall be circulated to the membership at least three weeks before the Annual General Meeting of the NSCSW or a Special General Meeting of the membership.
A.2.3. The amendments shall be approved at an Annual General Meeting or a Special General Meeting by a simple majority.
A.3.1. In the circumstance of an urgent concern in the Code of Ethics or Standards of Practice, a special review may be requested by a member and decided upon by Council.
A.3.2. The Council shall consult the membership, review the information and formulate an interim special amendment to be effective upon communication of same to the membership.
A.3.3. This interim special amendment shall be presented for ratification at the subsequent Annual General Meeting of the NSCSW, or at a Special General Meeting.