Feb 27, 2024 — Dr. Norma Jean Profitt, RSW, writes for Connection about the distinction between burnout and moral injury, and explores moral engagement as essential to the pursuit of social justice.
Feb 27, 2024 — Dr. Norma Jean Profitt, RSW, writes for Connection about the distinction between burnout and moral injury, and explores moral engagement as essential to the pursuit of social justice.
Aug 3, 2023 — We’re creating a tool to support Nova Scotia social workers in managing vicarious trauma and preventing burnout. And we need your feedback.
Jul 17, 2023 — Learn more about the NSCSW’s strategy to respond to moral distress in social workers and health care workers by integrating advocacy into our practice.
Nov 10, 2021 — Christina Wilson, RSW, explores how helpers can cultivate compassion satisfaction or joy for the art of helping, in the midst of personal, professional and systemic challenges
As the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic hits Nova Scotia, the impact on our collective well-being will be felt. The pandemic won’t just impact our physical health, but our mental health as well. In these stressful times professionals from different specialties are called upon to get involved. The goal of social workers in a crisis is to holistically resolve problems through social intervention.
March 30, 2020 — Social workers and helping professionals know so much about burn-out and compassion fatigue. How can social workers and other helpers cultivate compassion satisfaction or joy for the art of helping, in the midst of so many challenges?
Social workers and helping professionals know so much about burn-out and compassion fatigue. This is a workshop on how to heal oneself from workplace impacts.
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE N.S social worker stress impacting the care of vulnerable children HALIFAX, NS- This week, Nova Scotia honours foster parents during Foster Family Appreciation week. These foster families provide care to the most vulnerable children. However, the care of vulnerable children in our province is heavily impacted by the current level of stress… Read more »
Social workers consistently face tensions between our professional values and ethics and the demands of our employers. Child protection social workers face these tension on a daily basis. They work in one of the most demanding and challenging social work roles, as they work with involuntary clients, in emotionally-taxing situations, and within the confines of… Read more »
NS social workers are facing a burnout crisis. Stats released by the NDP show an increase of nearly 10,000 short-term illness hours from 2013-14 to 2016-17. Referrals to child protection services also increased over that time. These stats reflect a system that is not supportive of the workers in it and which has a huge… Read more »
CONNECTION is the official newsletter of the Nova Scotia College of Social Workers.