Category: Blog

Invitation to member consultations

Jan 19, 2023 — The professional standards committee of the College has drafted guidelines for social work documentation and a policy proposal for professional development selection and verification. Members are invited to review these drafts and share their feedback at consultation sessions in early February.

Join us in dismantling hatred in health care

Jan 26, 2023 — All social workers in Nova Scotia are invited to participate in an anonymous feedback session to provide valuable insight for the development of a Health Equity Framework for the province’s healthcare system.

NSACCW: Poverty is a political choice

Oct 19, 2022 — On the International Day for the Eradication of Policy, NSACCW launched a new campaign calling on professionals to stand united and demand specific government actions to eradicate poverty.

Tags: NSACCW poverty

National Day for Truth & Reconciliation 2022

September 30, 2022 — On September 30, as part its commitment to the reconciliation process, Canada now marks a National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. This day is recognized to “honour the children who never returned home and Survivors of residential schools, as well as their families and communities.” As social workers, we understand that this sentence conceals deep and painful truths about intergenerational trauma and systemic injustice. We have work to do.

Not yet time to celebrate; obstacles to gender-affirming care persist

a deep crack in a brick wall

July 28, 2022 — After the determined efforts of many individuals and organizations, the province announced that they were reducing some of the barriers to accessing gender-affirming surgeries. This was a welcome reminder that advocacy really does make a difference, but there is so more much to be done. Gender-affirming care is still under-funded, under-resourced, and often unavailable.
