As our members know, Registered Social Workers and Social Worker Candidates need to renew their registration every year. Renewals for 2020 will open in October 2019.
When renewals open, we’ll share more detailed information on the process for renewing your registration. For now:
- Make a plan to complete your professional development hours.
- Include your registration fee in your end-of-year planning.
Professional development
You will only be able to complete your renewal after your professional development inventory is submitted and all minimums are met. Please document your professional development in your online member profile as soon as possible.
If you’re short on hours, make a plan now.
- We still have several professional development sessions planned for the last quarter of 2019, in multiple locations around the province. You can sign up for these at nscsw.eventbrite.com.
- All NSCSW members automatically receive free CASW membership, which gives you access to many learning resources, including webinars and a full-text journal database. It sometimes takes a few days to get your membership verified, so sign up today.
Registration fees
As we’ve blogged about previously (“Recap of our 2019 AGM” “What are membership fees for?“) there will be a moderate increase to our registration fees.
Here are the fees for members to renew their registration for 2020:
- Active member: $440
- Associate member: $220
- Retired associate: $50
- Private practitioner: $490
If your employer pays your registration fee on your behalf, you may need to complete your renewal form early to meet their deadline.
Benefits of early renewal
December is a busy month, and it can be difficult to find time for completing professional development, gathering documents and submitting forms. Early renewal can also reduce the impact of registration fees on your budget.
If you wait to register at the very end of the year, you may run into obstacles with little time to resolve them.
Please consider renewing early this fall, as a gift to your future self.