Tag: child youth advocate

Child & Youth Rights and Well-being in Nova Scotia

November 18, 2022 — In honour of National Child Day, join Dalhousie University and IWK Health, along with the Healthy Populations Institute and the Nova Scotia College of Social Workers, for this special virtual event featuring a collective of passionate advocates for a critical conversation on Child and Youth Well-Being in Nova Scotia and the formation of a provincial Child and Youth Commission

MEDIA RELEASE: Budget balances the books by increasing social debt, leaves behind vulnerable children and youth in Nova Scotia

MEDIA RELEASEWednesday, March 27, 2019 Budget balances the books by increasing social debt, leaves behind vulnerable children and youth in Nova Scotia KJIPUKTUK (HALIFAX, NS) – On Tuesday, Nova Scotia tabled another balanced budget, designed to keep taxes competitive and social expenditures low, with the goal of “building a strong foundation.” What this means for Nova Scotians… Read more »

Let’s give Nova Scotia’s children and youth the voice they deserve

Social workers see firsthand how Nova Scotia’s vulnerable children and youth continue to fall through the cracks. Child poverty remains stubbornly high and continues to be on the rise. The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives-Nova Scotia reported that child poverty increased from 18.1% in 1989 to 21.5% in 2016. The child protection system is over-represented… Read more »
