Tag: child safety

Nova Scotia College of Social Workers highlights crucial gaps in places of safety following Auditor General’s report

May 7, 2024 — In light of the Auditor General’s new report concerning places of safety in Nova Scotia, the Nova Scotia College of Social Workers (NSCSW) calls attention to the significant gaps in the report regarding its understanding of service users’ needs, the realities of social workers, and how these factors contribute to the reported challenges in the delivery of places of safety.

Three decades lost

This week the Nova Scotia branch of the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives released a new report about child and family poverty in our province. Nova Scotia has reduced child poverty less than 1% from 1989 levels. If we are to alleviate the stress that poverty puts on our well-being, our economy and our political system, we must collectively shift our ideology regarding the market and the role of government.

Child welfare panel discussion

Child welfare on the brink

NSCSW is holding a panel discussion the evening before our public symposium. All stakeholders involved with the child welfare system are welcome. Five professionals will share their diverse experiences and perspectives regarding child welfare during a moderated discussion, followed by a public Q&A.
