Student bursaries will be awarded to several NSCSW members who attending accredited social work programs in the fall of 2024. College bursaries are awarded based on the student’s commitment to professional social work practice.
Student bursaries will be awarded to several NSCSW members who attending accredited social work programs in the fall of 2024. College bursaries are awarded based on the student’s commitment to professional social work practice.
(photo by Andrew Vaughn/The Canadian Press) Prisoners in the Central Nova Scotia Correctional Facility or “Burnside jail“ are currently involved in international prison strike. Their list of demands, posted to the Halifax Examiner website, call for justice and ask that we recognize the roots of this struggle in a common history of struggle and liberation…. Read more »
1 in 5 Canadians will have a mental health issue in any given year according to Nova Scotia’s Auditor General’s (AG) recent report on the province’s current mental health system. This report identifies many crucial problems within the current system. However, the AG’s analysis of our current mental health care system is problematic as it… Read more »
CONNECTION is the official newsletter of the Nova Scotia College of Social Workers.