
The Future of Candidacy

We recently unveiled the new direction for the Candidacy program at the College’s Fall Conference. On May 16th, 2016, the Social Workers Act was amended which brought a renewed mandate to our organization, the newly named Nova Scotia College of Social Workers. We believed Candidacy would be removed. However, the amendments included Candidacy as a… Read more »

MEDIA RELEASE: N.S social worker stress impacting the care of vulnerable children

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE N.S social worker stress impacting the care of vulnerable children HALIFAX, NS- This week, Nova Scotia honours foster parents during Foster Family Appreciation week. These foster families provide care to the most vulnerable children. However, the care of vulnerable children in our province is heavily impacted by the current level of stress… Read more »

Strategic Plan Survey: What you had to say

                    You must be the change you wish to see in the world –Mahatma Gandhi. This summer the College surveyed members to gain your insight into changes in the social work community, trends in the social work field and in your practice and your experience with… Read more »

Share your message with social workers: Advertise in Connection

Share your message with over 1900 social workers and advertise in Connection magazine! Connection magazine is a quarterly full-colour magazine that is distributed quarterly to Nova Scotia social workers, government, community groups and more. We’re sharing social work stories that connect. See Connection’s advertising rates here. Book your ad space by the Sept. 14 deadline. NSCSW… Read more »

Self-Regulation is a Privilege

Updates to Regulations and Bylaws Protecting the public is our primary goal as we regulate and promote the values of social work. As a hybrid, the strategies and tactics available to us are intersectional and provide broad tools to protect the public and include a focus on prevention, education, and advocacy. The Social Workers Act… Read more »

Discussions to help heal democracy

Reflecting on the Nova Scotia Provincial Election There are certainly some things to celebrate about our province’s provincial election on May 30th, 2017 We witnessed every major political party engage in political discourse that seriously addressed issues that we, as social workers, face daily in the field.   Discussions focused on mental health and addictions,… Read more »
