March 12, 2021 — A virtual interactive workshop on the foundations of ethical social work practice, particularly in the Nova Scotian context.
March 12, 2021 — A virtual interactive workshop on the foundations of ethical social work practice, particularly in the Nova Scotian context.
March 5, 2021 — A thought-provoking webinar with Senator Wanda Thomas-Bernard, RSW, PhD. Presented by NSCSW and the Pictou County Social Workers Group.
We encourage our members to review decision information, to gain insight into the reasons for decisions and the College’s discipline process. It is important for all social workers in Nova Scotia to understand the College’s role in ensuring that Nova Scotians can rely on professional, ethical social work practice.
February 1, 2021 — In October 2019, the Nova Scotia College of Social Workers (NSCSW) received two complaints regarding the conduct and practice of its member Ryanne Rhodenizer, of Nova Scotia, registration #2173.
The 2021 provincial theme of African Heritage Month, “Black History Matters: Listen, Learn, Share and Act,” calls on all Nova Scotians to make a better society by recognizing the long-standing history and legacy of African Nova Scotians, and by acknowledging racialized issues and adversity for people of African descent.
The Council of the NSCSW is accepting letter of intent from any members interested in joining the College’s new clinical committee. Apply no later then February 26, 2021.
10 February, 2021 — An online panel discussion about social determinants of health, lived experience, and client/family-centred care.
We are grateful for the moral courage of the social workers who participated in the survey and focus groups for the research paper published by NSCSW in January, Repositioning Social Work Practice in Mental Health in Nova Scotia.
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEJanuary 13, 2021 KJIPUKTUK (HALIFAX, NS)– The Nova Scotia College of Social Workers (NSCSW) has launched a new report on the state of mental health and addiction services in Nova Scotia. The report, Repositioning Social Work Practice in Mental Health in Nova Scotia, demonstrates that the current delivery of mental health and addictions care in… Read more »
5 January 2021 — NSCSW has launched a new online campaign at childyouthadvocatens.org calling on Nova Scotians to tweet and email the Liberal leadership candidates demanding that they commit to immediately creating a Child and Youth Advocate Office.
CONNECTION is the official newsletter of the Nova Scotia College of Social Workers.