Tag: child protection

Webinar: Examining protective factors for children’s welfare: the case of Indigenous, African Nova Scotian, and Immigrant and Refugee Children in the HRM

March 23, 2021 — In this webinar we discuss findings from qualitative study conducted in the HRM that sought to identify support systems and strategies to strengthen the capacity of families from urban Indigenous, African Nova Scotian, and immigrant and refugee populations in the Halifax Regional Municipality to mobilize communities to prevent the entry or re-entry of children into state care.

Webinar: Brief Intro to Borderline Personality Disorder for Child Protection Staff

Nov 2, 2020 — Jacqueline Barkley, MSW, RSW, will introduce session participants to key introductory issues in understanding the Borderline Personality Disorder diagnosis and its traits, and provide concrete suggestions for managing clients suffering from this personality disorder. Delivered in partnership between CASW and NSCSW.

Open Letter: Protecting vulnerable children and youth during COVID-19 pandemic

The Nova Scotia College of Social Workers, like many in our province, is particularly concerned about vulnerable children and youth during this time of crisis. We are asking that the province implement the following steps to ensure that vulnerable children, youth and their families are protected throughout these unsettling times.

[CANCELLED] Child protection & mental health counselling — a bridge needed (Sydney)

This June 10 session is an opportunity to improve collaboration between social workers in mental health services and private practice, and social workers in child protection. Front-line child protection workers will increase their understanding of common mental health issues, and counselling practitioners will gain insight into child protection practices, proirities, systems and challenges.

Child benefit policy deepens poverty for the most vulnerable

As election day quickly approaches, although there has been much talk about how the Canada Child Benefit has lifted children out of poverty elsewhere in the country, there has been little attention paid to how benefit policies unintentionally deepen poverty when children are temporarily taken into care by a child welfare agency.

Child welfare panel discussion

Child welfare on the brink

NSCSW is holding a panel discussion the evening before our public symposium. All stakeholders involved with the child welfare system are welcome. Five professionals will share their diverse experiences and perspectives regarding child welfare during a moderated discussion, followed by a public Q&A.

Child protection & mental health counselling — a bridge needed (Halifax)

This session is an opportunity to improve collaboration between social workers in mental health services and private practice, and social workers in child protection. Front-line child protection workers will increase their understanding of common mental health issues, and counselling practitioners will gain insight into child protection practices, proirities, systems and challenges. Workshop participants will explore… Read more »

MEDIA RELEASE: Budget balances the books by increasing social debt, leaves behind vulnerable children and youth in Nova Scotia

MEDIA RELEASEWednesday, March 27, 2019 Budget balances the books by increasing social debt, leaves behind vulnerable children and youth in Nova Scotia KJIPUKTUK (HALIFAX, NS) – On Tuesday, Nova Scotia tabled another balanced budget, designed to keep taxes competitive and social expenditures low, with the goal of “building a strong foundation.” What this means for Nova Scotians… Read more »
