This workshop will outline the difference between Basic Income and current systems. Social workers will be introduced to contrasting Basic Income models, using the NSCSW code of ethics as a guideline.
This workshop will outline the difference between Basic Income and current systems. Social workers will be introduced to contrasting Basic Income models, using the NSCSW code of ethics as a guideline.
Connecting Nova Scotia social workers with their colleagues, and with the people they have the honour to work with, learn from, and walk alongside.
MEDIA RELEASEWednesday, March 27, 2019 Budget balances the books by increasing social debt, leaves behind vulnerable children and youth in Nova Scotia KJIPUKTUK (HALIFAX, NS) – On Tuesday, Nova Scotia tabled another balanced budget, designed to keep taxes competitive and social expenditures low, with the goal of “building a strong foundation.” What this means for Nova Scotians… Read more »
Re: “Health sermon thinly veiled poor-bashing.” I read with anticipation Gail Lethbridge’s column in your July 28 edition. This was in response to the Chester-St. Margaret’s MLA’s recent controversial comments linking chronic disease to lifestyle choices. I was hopeful I’d find words of wisdom about our collective responsibility to address systematic inequalities in our province…. Read more »
The Department of Community Services (DCS) recently rolled out changes to the Income Assistance programs which aim to help low-income Nova Scotians. Kelly Regan, Minister of Community Services, stated that these changes were brought in because: “We want all Nova Scotians to have the dignity, self-esteem, and self-confidence they need to move their lives forward…. Read more »
NS social workers are facing a burnout crisis. Stats released by the NDP show an increase of nearly 10,000 short-term illness hours from 2013-14 to 2016-17. Referrals to child protection services also increased over that time. These stats reflect a system that is not supportive of the workers in it and which has a huge… Read more »
CONNECTION is the official newsletter of the Nova Scotia College of Social Workers.