Category: Blog

Approaching the elections

July 15, 2021 − As a summer election becomes increasingly likely, we will soon be faced with big decisions as several parties try to convince Nova Scotians to vote for them. We encourage our members to we encourage our members to use the Social Policy Framework to develop their understanding of how their votes will address or remedy the injustices and harms we see daily as social workers.

A city’s betrayal of its most vulnerable

July 13, 2021 − Social workers and community organizations such as the Halifax Mutual Aid Society are having to scramble to try to provide support, at a time when resources are shrinking. While the provincial government recently pledged to provide 25 million dollars in funding, at some point in the future, these promises are of no help to those struggling with homelessness right now.

Learning with Pride

June 2, 2021 — For the 2SLGBTQ+ community and their allies, June is considered Pride Month, a chance to learn, honour, celebrate and recommit ourselves to working for justice and equality for all people. In light of this, we want to share some helpful resources with our social work community.

Looking for justice, for George Floyd

Almost a year ago, the murder of George Floyd sparked a global awakening about the pervasiveness and lethality of systemic racism. Yesterday, Derek Chauvin, the officer who knelt upon his neck for 9 minutes and 29 seconds while he pleaded for breath, was finally convicted. Former US President Barack Obama commented in the New York… Read more »
