News & Events

Open letter: Flattening the mental health curve

Now is the time to enact the best evidence-based policy tools to alleviate stress on what was already an overburdened mental health system. As with the COVID-19 public health response, we must try to prevent a huge spike in mental health needs, to avoid overburdening the system all at once. With the horrific events of April 19 squarely in the hearts and minds of Nova Scotians we must act now to ensure that the social determinants of mental health are acted on and ensure that all Nova Scotians have universal access to mental health services.

Open Letter: Protecting vulnerable children and youth during COVID-19 pandemic

The Nova Scotia College of Social Workers, like many in our province, is particularly concerned about vulnerable children and youth during this time of crisis. We are asking that the province implement the following steps to ensure that vulnerable children, youth and their families are protected throughout these unsettling times.

Social work practice during COVID-19

As the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic hits Nova Scotia, the impact on our collective well-being will be felt. The pandemic won’t just impact our physical health, but our mental health as well. In these stressful times professionals from different specialties are called upon to get involved. The goal of social workers in a crisis is to holistically resolve problems through social intervention.

Bringing the Standards of Practice to life: Standard 2

In social work practice, social workers place professional service before personal goals or advantage and strive for impartiality in their professional practice. They must refrain from imposing their personal values, views, preferences, stereotypes/assumptions on clients and seek to understand the lived experiences of those whom they serve. It is the responsibility of social workers to establish the tone of their professional relationship with clients, and others to whom they have a professional duty, and to maintain professional boundaries.

Raising expectations for Nova Scotia’s future

National Social Work Month is an opportunity to reflect on how we enact the values of our profession within the communities where we live and practice. This month, the Nova Scotia College of Social Workers, in partnership with the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives-Nova Scotia (CCPA-NS), released a new report titled “Creating the future we all deserve: A social policy framework for Nova Scotia.”
