News & Events

Let’s give Nova Scotia’s children and youth the voice they deserve

Social workers see firsthand how Nova Scotia’s vulnerable children and youth continue to fall through the cracks. Child poverty remains stubbornly high and continues to be on the rise. The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives-Nova Scotia reported that child poverty increased from 18.1% in 1989 to 21.5% in 2016. The child protection system is over-represented… Read more »

Burnside prisoners call to be treated with the dignity & worth that we all deserve

(photo by Andrew Vaughn/The Canadian Press) Prisoners in the Central Nova Scotia Correctional Facility or “Burnside jail“ are currently involved in international prison strike. Their list of demands, posted to the Halifax Examiner website, call for justice and ask that we recognize the roots of this struggle in a common history of struggle and liberation…. Read more »
