20 October 2021 — Save the date for our First Annual Awards Gala. Special guest speaker Dr. Ingrid Waldron.
20 October 2021 — Save the date for our First Annual Awards Gala. Special guest speaker Dr. Ingrid Waldron.
Part of practising from an anti-oppressive lens is continually asking ourselves how the intergenerational effects of colonization and slavery have impacted our own perspective and bias, and how we can address the resulting behaviours.
National Social Work Month is an opportunity to reflect on how we enact the values of our profession within the communities where we live and practice. This month, the Nova Scotia College of Social Workers, in partnership with the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives-Nova Scotia (CCPA-NS), released a new report titled “Creating the future we all deserve: A social policy framework for Nova Scotia.”
On Monday, January 21st, 2019 the Nova Scotia Government & General Employees Union (NSGEU) and the Nova Scotia College of Social Workers (NSCSW) launched a campaign encouraging Nova Scotians to write to the Premier to demand an increase in spending on social programs including Child Welfare in the next provincial budget. The campaign #childwelfareonthebrink feature… Read more »
The purpose of this project is to develop an advocacy paper to articulate the core values and principles that should frame and drive policy decisions to foster greater well-being and mental wellness. We want to create a critical discourse on the political, economic and social issues that impact the mental wellness of Nova Scotians. We… Read more »
Social workers see firsthand how Nova Scotia’s vulnerable children and youth continue to fall through the cracks. Child poverty remains stubbornly high and continues to be on the rise. The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives-Nova Scotia reported that child poverty increased from 18.1% in 1989 to 21.5% in 2016. The child protection system is over-represented… Read more »
CONNECTION is the official newsletter of the Nova Scotia College of Social Workers.