Jun 22, 2023 — The NSCSW is inviting proposals from qualified web development agencies to improve and enhance the user experience of our website. Proposal deadline August 15, 2023.
Jun 22, 2023 — The NSCSW is inviting proposals from qualified web development agencies to improve and enhance the user experience of our website. Proposal deadline August 15, 2023.
July 4, 2022 — The purpose of this project is to complete a comprehensive evaluation of the NSCSW’s 5 year strategic plan and use this insight as benchmark to generate a renewed strategic vision. Bids should by submitted no later than August 19.
The purpose of this project is to develop an advocacy paper to articulate the core values and principles that should frame and drive policy decisions to foster greater well-being and mental wellness. We want to create a critical discourse on the political, economic and social issues that impact the mental wellness of Nova Scotians. We… Read more »
CONNECTION is the official newsletter of the Nova Scotia College of Social Workers.