31 Mar, 2025 — Please join us in congratulating the student members who were selected to receive our bursaries last year.
31 Mar, 2025 — Please join us in congratulating the student members who were selected to receive our bursaries last year.
The Third Annual NSCSW Award Gala was held in Downtown Halifax on October 13, 2023. Our annual awards program recognizes excellence and dedication in the field of social work, as well as the efforts of allies in the health and social sectors. Please join us in person in celebrating these amazing people in our communities.
In this issue, social workers turn a decolonization lens towards their praxis.
Dec 21, 2022 — In this issue, social workers consider the causes and effects of self medication, and both systemic and individual interventions.
Collaboration & Change: This special double issue of Connection magazine includes our 2021 annual report. In these pages, College staff, Council members and committee chairs reflect on a year of change and growth.
In this issue, our contributors consider how Nova Scotia’s housing crisis and homelessness are inextricably interconnected with social determinants of health and well-being.
The Spring 2021 issue of Connection magazine includes the NSCSW’s annual report for 2020
In this issue, our contributors were invited to connect their writing to the theme of the upcoming annual conference in May: Challenging our Social Justice Lens. Read about the essential work provided by qualified, compassionate, and committed social workers, and about exciting recent social work research.
In this issue, our contributors consider anti-racist advocacy and social work praxis, particularly as these intersect with the Black Lives Matter movement.
Co-navigating change and uncertainty with our communities. In this special double issue of Connection magazine you’ll find our 2019 annual report. In these pages, College staff, Council members and committee chairs reflect on the role of our profession in times of crisis and upheaval.
CONNECTION is the official newsletter of the Nova Scotia College of Social Workers.