Tag: alec stratford

New staff roles at NSCSW

April 19, 2021 − The NSCSW has recently gone through a comprehensive review of our staff organization, and made several changes to attend to our mandate in the Social Workers Act and our five year strategic plan. Alec introduces members to two new people on our staff team, and new roles for existing staff.

NSCSW Staff Reorganization

View of Halifax from Dartmouth harbour trail

February 11, 2021 — After a lengthy and comprehensive review, the NSCSW is ready to make some key changes. And we announce the forthcoming retirement of a staff member who has significantly contributed to our profession in this province.

Moving the bar

The Progressive Conservative Party of Nova Scotia introduced their new vision for mental health services last week. It provides a clear vision for mental health and addictions services that we have not seen since the NDP released their strategy “Together We Can” while in government almost a decade ago. While the plan certainly has some questionable policy choices, the vision it presents is transformative and the PCs deserve credit for putting forward a bold plan.

Open letter: Flattening the mental health curve

Now is the time to enact the best evidence-based policy tools to alleviate stress on what was already an overburdened mental health system. As with the COVID-19 public health response, we must try to prevent a huge spike in mental health needs, to avoid overburdening the system all at once. With the horrific events of April 19 squarely in the hearts and minds of Nova Scotians we must act now to ensure that the social determinants of mental health are acted on and ensure that all Nova Scotians have universal access to mental health services.
