Category: Blog

Preparing for renewal

As our members know, Registered Social Workers and Social Worker Candidates need to renew their registration every year. Renewals for 2020 will open in October 2019. When renewals open, we’ll share more detailed information on the process for renewing your registration. For now: Make a plan to complete your professional development hours. Include your registration… Read more »

What are NSCSW membership fees for?

NSCSW regulates the practice of social work in Nova Scotia. We serve and engage the public, support social workers in their practice, and advocate for social justice. The College is privileged to be both the social work regulatory body and the professional association for social workers in Nova Scotia. As a regulatory body, our primary goal is… Read more »

A cover change, and an apology

At our conference and AGM last month, our keynote speaker, Deborah Levans, spoke frankly about white supremacy in social work practice and offered that white supremacy is when whiteness is normalized and seen as aspirational. She offered examples of how the architecture of racism in the social work profession is embedded in practice, research, and education. It was brought to our attention… Read more »

Recap of our 2019 AGM

On behalf of Council and all of the staff at NSCSW I want to thank all of the members who came out on one of the only sunny days we have seen in the last month to our annual general meeting. The agenda was full, the discussion was rich and we are so proud to have so many engaged and dedicated… Read more »

Acting Executive Director/Registrar

Our Executive Director/Registrar, Alec Stratford, welcomed his daughter to the world on June 30, 2018. Alec will be taking 6 months away from the NSCSW to take on a full-time parenting role from July 2 to December 31. Council has appointed current Treasurer Lynn Brogan as Acting Executive Director/ Registrar. For those who don’t know… Read more »

#Childwelfareonthebrink: Exploring the NSCSW’s Advocacy Strategy

On Monday, January 21st, 2019 the Nova Scotia Government & General Employees Union (NSGEU) and the Nova Scotia College of Social Workers (NSCSW) launched a campaign encouraging Nova Scotians to write to the Premier to demand an increase in spending on social programs including Child Welfare in the next provincial budget. The campaign #childwelfareonthebrink feature… Read more »

A Discussion on Regulating Clinical Social Work.

Introduction The Private Practice committee formed in June of 2017 to address issues withthe bylaws regarding the registration of private practitioners. In addition, social work private practitioners and their clients have continued to face barriers in ensuring coverage of social work services through insurance companies. Parallel to these concerns, members working through the public mental… Read more »
