Category: News

Discussions to help heal democracy

Reflecting on the Nova Scotia Provincial Election There are certainly some things to celebrate about our province’s provincial election on May 30th, 2017 We witnessed every major political party engage in political discourse that seriously addressed issues that we, as social workers, face daily in the field.   Discussions focused on mental health and addictions,… Read more »

Advocacy is Essential: The College’s Actions Towards Social Change

The NSCSW has the mandate, given to us by the Section 5(g) of the Social Workers Act, to advocate for the development, enhancement, and promotion of policies to improve social conditions and promote social justice. Social workers know this mandate is needed now more than ever. We have a widespread concern about the political and… Read more »

Happy International Women’s Day

Happy International Women’s Day There is a lot to reflect on this  International Women’s Day! As social workers, a profession that is predominantly made up of people who identify as women, we know full well that women are the backbone and the lifeblood of what makes our economic and political systems function; and that without… Read more »

What’s your vision for social work in Nova Scotia?

I’ve been a part of the Nova Scotia College of Social Workers for only 8 months. Throughout this time, I have connected with many of you and heard that the previous Association (now College), seemed disengaged from membership, ideals, and theories of practice. The challenge of connecting with member interests, to design effective member supports… Read more »

NSCSW Brand Launch

Brand Launch

The Nova Scotia Association of Social Workers has officially become the Nova Scotia College of Social Workers.

Tags: Announcement
