Category: Blog

Public appointee seat opening on Board of Examiners

group seated at boardroom table

July 26, 2022 — There is a vacancy for a public appointee seat on the NSCSW Board of Examiners (BOE). Our BOE oversees the application of regulatory policy, approves social work applicants, and makes all decision regarding the complaints and discipline matters brought before the College.

A challenging summer

12 July, 2022 — It is possible to create public policy that can solve the underlying causes of poverty and homelessness, rather than criminalize the symptoms of a policy that has failed to actualize its stated electoral goals.

Tags: housing

A time to listen

Jun 30, 2022 — As National Indigenous History Month comes to a close, on the eve of a celebration of nationalism, let us reflect upon the treaties that enable us to live here, on Turtle Island. This weekend, and every day, let us listen, learn and do what we can to honour these treaties and the people whose lands we live within.

Tags: Indigenous
