Category: Blog

Our opportunity to help shift the mental health care system

A recent report on CTV Atlantic, featuring grassroots organizer Laurel Walker, shares the story of a group pushing the health authority’s to revamp our province’s mental health care.  The report indicates that 42% of Nova Scotians have reported that they have dealt with a mental health issue in their lifetime. This is one the highest… Read more »

Our vulnerable children, youth, and families deserve better.

The Nova Scotia government’s budget (released March 20th) made it clear that they will continue to prioritize fiscal health over community health – a false dichotomy that will have a long-term impact. The government’s decision, to not strengthen family life for vulnerable children and youth through core investments, will significantly impact our province’s child protective… Read more »

Conversations in your community during #NationalSocialWorkMonth 

We’re only two weeks into National Social Work Month and we’ve had the pleasure of meeting with social workers from Sydney to Yarmouth as part of our Conversation with your College events. We’ve shared our draft five-year Strategic Plan goals to gain on the ground feedback moving forward as we finalize the plan for our Annual General Meeting (May 11-12). The… Read more »

Coming Soon: The Future of Candidacy

The Candidacy Committee is nearing the end of its review process and will present recommendations for change to the membership at the spring annual general meeting. The committee needs your final feedback! Please review the Future of Candidacy and attached framework and example appendix and leave your comments below.  Candidacy is a legislative requirement enshrined in the amended Social Workers… Read more »

Nova Scotia’s sick enough for mental health care system needs a paradigm change

1 in 5 Canadians will have a mental health issue in any given year according to Nova Scotia’s Auditor General’s (AG) recent report on the province’s current mental health system. This report identifies many crucial problems within the current system.  However, the AG’s analysis of our current mental health care system is problematic as it… Read more »
